Unplug to Get Recharged


Hey ladies! I pray this post finds you well. I just wanted to pop in briefly to share my thoughts on unplugging and going on a mini detox if you will, in order to be recharged, refreshed, and rejuvenated by our main power source, Jesus Christ. Sometimes I think we go over board on the technology and too much of any good thing can become a bad thing if you let it. I love Instagram, I mean lovvveeee it! And I don't play foolishness on my IG feed, for the most part my feed is inspiring and uplifting. However, in spite of this fact I recently found myself warring against the pesky opponent of... that's right you guessed it, comparison! I would go on my feed and be genuinely happy for the newly engaged couples, newlyweds, first time parents, homeowners, business owners, and so much more but along with that happiness was the undeniable feeling of insecurity in the pit of my stomach that I just couldn't shake. The enemy would begin whispering in my ear, "you will never reach their level of success", "you are not good enough", "you are not worthy enough to receive the blessings you're praying for" "give up". Just plain ol' demonic, evil, and deceitful! But I must admit that I found myself listening and falling into his web of lies. I wonder if you've ever felt that way looking at someone else's "highlight reel" on social media? I think it is safe to say we have all been there and the remedy for that is to simply mind our business and fix our eyes on Jesus instead of on what everyone else around us are doing. I know that sounds real simple and sophomoric but I truly believe it is the key to contentment. Stop looking at the blessings they are receiving, the money they are making, the man they have that you don’t, the new house, the new car and asking “what about  me Jesus? Why are you blessing them and not me?” Stop looking, stay in your lane and look not to the right or to the left but straight ahead on Jesus (Proverbs 4:27).

I love how Jesus broke this very concept all the way down for Peter in John 21:21-22. He basically told him do not worry about him and what I have in store for him down the line, instead you worry about me because I am who you follow, who you try to duplicate, and compare for the sole purposes of becoming better. Jesus is not only speaking to Peter in this verse but to every one of us when we decide to get tangled up in the web of comparison. Hear me when I say, comparison literally kills! It kills your joy. It kills your dreams. It kills your confidence. It kills your assurance of who God created you to be. It kills your progression as well, because you cannot possibly fully focus of you and who God is calling you to be, if your eyes are on everybody else. We must remember to drive in our own lanes because swerving into others only cause accidents that prolong us from reaching our destinations.

I decided that I ain't going out like that and the devil will not catch me slippin! So I decided to erase all of my social media outlets from my phone and instead read the word and listen to sermons when I would have reached for my IG, twitter, or Facebook... for one week. That is not long at all so I'm hoping you all will join me if you've been feeling some of the same feelings of comparison, discontentment, and insecurity. Let's unplug from the world and get connected to the one and only true vine (John 15:1).

Love y'all! Praying for you daily!
