Posts tagged valentines day
I Promise You... You are Loved

Have you ever experienced the love of God? Like really felt His presence? When the presence of the Lord comes into the room, you undoubtedly feel it. His presence is palpable, almost too much to bare. I remember feeling His presence for the first time and I just couldn't stop crying, it was uncontrollable and I'm a g lol. But no really, my heart felt like it would just explode, I could barely breathe but in a good way. You know the way a person explains being in a love relationship and their partner "takes their breath away", yeah that's the feeling. If you've never experienced true love, get into a relationship with Jesus. Nothing else compares, and I mean NOTHING. Now I know you may be thinking I know God loves me and that is great but I can’t post of pic of me and Jesus at the movies or at a fancy restaurant on my Instagram. But my response to that is, why is posting pics a concern of yours if you are truly content in your single season?

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